Beliefs and Values
Statement of Faith
Gateways is part of the New Life family/whānau of churches in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Our Statement of Faith can be found on New Life’s website.

Gateways' Values
We have 7 Core Values that reflect our history, experiences and story. Our values form the foundation for everything that happens in our church community.
1) Everything starts in His presence
Acts 17:28 – “For in Him we live and move and have our being.” This affirms that God is our source. Matthew 5:19 – “I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by Himself; He can do only what He sees His Father doing”.
2) We are a people of the future living in the present
We are a prophetic people living in the present, but looking to the future by faith and the revelation of the Holy Spirit.
3) We believe the best of each other
Protecting a culture of Honour. Calling out the good. Affirming and Gracious toward one another.
4) We invest beyond ourselves
Because we are a part of God’s Kingdom, we invest through Outreach, Mission, Evangelism, Releasing and Planting.
5) When God is speaking about the Body, He speaks to the Body
Truth / Unity. How we hear from God and recognise His confirmation and timing. Trusting the Holy Spirit. Respect.
6) I am my brother’s keeper
We act responsibly out of Love. Everyone is pastorally responsible for each other’s well-being. We have a redemptive heart and operate in the ministry of reconciliation.
7) We serve in team and release the gift of leadership
This affects how we organise ourselves; how we exercise authority. Recognising gifts and how the Holy Spirit puts us together.